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How money launderer and converter Misak Khidiryan became a multimillionaire, bought thousands of hectares of Ukrainian land and is not afraid of NSDC sanctions

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How money launderer and converter Misak Khidiryan became a multimillionaire, bought thousands of hectares of Ukrainian land and is not afraid of NSDC sanctions
How money launderer and converter Misak Khidiryan became a multimillionaire, bought thousands of hectares of Ukrainian land and is not afraid of NSDC sanctions

Unfortunately, in Ukraine you won’t surprise anyone with news about yet another conversion center with billions in turnover.

To our even greater regret, we are forced to admit that most of these convert centers cooperate with the Russian FSB and the young Jamakheriyas of Donbass – “DPR” and “LPR”. But the fact that the domestic SSU not only does not notice their activities in the capital of Ukraine, but often also covers up all these schemes is simply frightening. However, how can we not cover it up if the country’s top leadership is among the organizers of all these conversion centers?

True, sometimes the “raspberries” are interrupted by idle journalists who, without hesitation, publish their latest investigation about yet another conversion center. Thus, the other day, information became available to the public about the activities of a certain Misak Khidiryan, who is one of the key organizers of a convection center operating in the capital of Ukraine and associated both with bandits from the nineties - one of the confidants of the well-known “Pimple” in narrow circles - Serhiy Alisimenko. nickname “Alice” with his wife Olha, and, on the other hand, with the even more widely known Roman Nasirov. The same one who was the head of the State Fiscal Service and was remembered for the checkered blanket and stretcher on which he was carried to and from court.

And this whole trio acted under the noses of all domestic law enforcement officers - the vaunted SSU, the no less glorious National Police and the even more famous State Fiscal Service, State Bureau of Investigation, NABU, Prosecutor General’s Office and whoever else we have there. And all these crime fighters, crowding into some stall owner who opened his stall during quarantine, did not notice point-blank that in the center of Kyiv, in the Parus business center, a conversion center is thriving, serving, among other things, “L/DPR”, and all three of its leaders have long-standing and strong ties with the Russian special services, which organized those same sub-republics.

READ ALSO: Misak Khidiryan, his accomplices and his envelopes: will the NSDC pay attention?

However, among this trinity we are most interested in Misak Khidiryan. Why? Now let’s try to figure out why exactly he is. As the official biography says, he is an Armenian entrepreneur and financier. In 2004-2016, he worked in senior positions at FINEXBANK OJSC and AKTABANK PJSC. Co-founder of the Charitable Foundation named after Khidiryan Hovhannes (his father). Since 2013, he has been engaged in legal practice - co-founder of the Vox Legum Law Firm. In 2012-2013, he began investing in the agricultural sector. He is the founder and owner of the AGR Group agricultural holding, its president and head of the AGR Group supervisory board. This is what he prefers to talk about himself in numerous custom articles and image interviews.

But there is also a shadow side, one that Misak prefers not to advertise. By the way, he is trying to clear out materials about himself, which is easy to guess by opening a search engine and entering his last name into it:

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding qhiqqxidqiqtdant

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

But, of course, it was not possible to destroy everything, and much is still in the public domain. And here’s a question for our law enforcement officers: why don’t they see the obvious? And it is obvious that even during his studies at the Russian “International Institute of Economics and Law” Khidiryan found himself under strict investigation by the FSB. With which he has been cooperating since then on mutually beneficial terms. Because he came to the attention of the FSB as a representative of ethnic (namely Armenian) organized crime. And as such, and with the blessing of new curators, he relocated to Ukraine. That at the beginning of the thousandth was by no means something exceptional - the entire business and political elite that rose in those days in our country was completely stuffed with just such comrades, who grew from ordinary FSB agents into agents of influence of the Kremlin.

However, let’s move from the theoretical part to the practical one. Although Khidiryan has a Ukrainian passport, he is at the same time a citizen of the Russian Federation. And, according to some indirect data, Armenia. Let us remind you that there is no law on dual citizenship in our country. And on this occasion, a question for the National Police - how did Misak get the coveted blue book with a trident on the cover?

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

The presence of the surname “Khidiryan” in the State Border Service database of persons whose crossing the borders of Ukraine is undesirable did not become an obstacle to a rapid career in Ukraine for Misak. But he not only crossed it, but actively participates in the socio-political life of the country:

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

And, besides, received permission to practice law in Ukraine:

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

True, among Kyiv lawyers they practically do not know about him - apparently, Khidiryan uses his lawyer’s certificate extremely rarely and does not provide legal services to anyone except himself. However, this is not prohibited by law. By the way, his relative Samvel is also a lawyer, with whom Misak lives, according to the Russian registry, in Moscow, on Bratyslavska Street, 25, apt. 15. And at the same time he conducts legal practice in Kyiv, on Voloshska Street, 11, letter “A”:

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

As for Misak’’s other activities, he is actively involved in agriculture. The AGR Group holding has a land bank of 30 thousand hectares and continues to increase it. But the most interesting thing is that the holding is registered in a Cypriot offshore:

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

After the opening of the land market, the Cypriot offshore company, headed by Russian citizen of Armenian origin Misak Khidiryan, has good prospects for acquiring it. But all this activity does not contradict the laws of Ukraine, so there is nothing special to show here.

And here is what the Telegram channel “Ukrainian Observer” reports regarding Misak Khidiryan’s participation in cashing out and converting money:

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

It turns out that he works with buyers of agricultural products - OKKO, Fozzi, Suntrade. And it has an annual volume of more than 10 billion hryvnia. And here it’s worth thinking about for domestic law enforcement officers: is everything legal in the Cyprus offshore - the AGR Group agricultural holding? Because part of the money is laundered through agricultural products. The coincidence should be very alarming.

READ ALSO: Multimillionaire converter Misak Khidiryan: when will the SBU knock on the casher’s door and will there be sanctions from the National Security and Defense Council?

In addition, if we return to the activities of the trio Misak Khidiryan-Serhiy Alisimenko-Olha Alisimenko, it turns out that Serhiy and Olha Alisimenko are now on the run and holed up in Russia.

And Khidiryan, in addition to the criminal history with the conversion center, was directly related to illegal VAT refund schemes. He participated in reducing the customs cost of products that passed through Odesa and Lviv customs. And these schemes, according to unverified data, were protected and organized by none other than Roman Nasirov, the former head of the DFS of Ukraine.

And in connection with all this and the fact that the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine is now actively taking on converters and twisters of various stripes, I would like to know whether any actions will be taken in relation to Misak Khidiryan? Moreover, AGR Group, which has a land bank of 30 thousand hectares and is led by Khidiryan, is already on the NSDC sanctions list and the same lists of Canada, the USA, Japan, Australia, Great Britain and the European Union:


Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

Misak Khidiryan: how an FSB agent cashes out money from the “DPR” and buys thousands of hectares of land in Ukraine through his agricultural holding

That doesn’t stop him from doing business in Ukraine and expanding his land holdings, the market for which is being argued hoarsely in parliament and at rallies. Which, however, also doesn’t stop Misak from slowly buying it up. Like many others. And therefore, inevitably, a disappointing conclusion creeps in - all these “NSDC sanctions” are outright fodder for the ears of Ukrainians. But they are by no means a hindrance to swindlers and thieves of the highest echelon. Misak Khidiryan is a clear confirmation of this.

Author: Dmytro Trehubenko

Topics: CashDPRSerhiy AlisimenkoOlha AlisimenkoRoman NasirovNSDCA.G.R GroupFSBMisak Khidiryan

Date and time 13 May 2021 г., 17:50     Views Views: 6090
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