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Telegram threatens Ukraine’s security, - Yusov

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Telegram threatens Ukraine’s security, - Yusov
Telegram threatens Ukraine’s security, - Yusov

Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, claims that Telegram threatens the country’s security.

"It’s not about individual users or individual media that are represented on this platform, but questions arise to the platform itself. It contains a number of threats to the informational and not only informational security of our country," the official said.

According to him, everyone would like to answer all the questions, but there are no such simple answers. Therefore, Ukraine is now building communication with the administrations of all platforms, including Telegram, in order to work according to transparent rules: both in accordance with Ukrainian legislation and in accordance with international standards.

"Telegram is the hardest to deal with. This is a constant, multi-level work: both on the platform itself, by creating content that would destroy myths, explain and reach the target audience, and work in terms of regulating the activities of these platforms. All of these measures are being taken, but there is still a lot of work to be done," Yusov concluded.

With our editorial office contacted Telegram Representatives:

Dear Antikor editors,

My name is Remi Vaughn and I work for Telegram Messenger. I’m contacting you today about your article, Telegram угрожает безопасности Украины, — Юсов. I hope this statement can be added to it:

Telegram was specifically created to protect users from Russian surveillance. Its founder was exiled from Russia before the release of Telegram for protecting the data of Ukrainians. Telegram is and always has been safe for Ukrainians and users around the world.

Telegram’s founder spoke about protecting user data at all costs here:

Thank you so much for your time.

Remi Vaughn

Topics: SecurityWarAndriy YusovTelegram

Date and time 14 February 2024 г., 17:38     Views Views: 3091
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