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Men are allowed abroad only with paper military documents, - State Border Guard Service

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Men are allowed abroad only with paper military documents, - State Border Guard Service
Men are allowed abroad only with paper military documents, - State Border Guard Service

State Border Guard Service spokesman Andriy Demchenko said that border guards allow men to cross the border only with a paper military registration document; any electronic versions are not accepted.

“According to the norms of the law, only TRC representatives can determine whether a person has grounds for a deferment, and also properly formalize it. And border guards will not accept any electronic options, in particular, “Reserve+”. We need a paper military registration document,” he explained.

“It should also be understood that a person should ask whether there is information about him in the Oberih system,” the speaker added.

Topics: Reserve+TRCSBGSAndriy Demchenko

Date and time 21 May 2024 г., 21:28     Views Views: 2029
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