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The Ukrainian Armed Forces commented on the tactics of the invaders’ strikes on Kharkiv

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According to Air Force Speaker Illya Yevlash, recently it is the Kharkiv region that Russians attack most often. The enemy uses both aerial bombs and missiles to carry out terror. Russian occupiers continue to shell peaceful Ukrainian cities. In particular, we are talking about Kharkov and the region where unusual tactics are recorded.

Air Force Speaker Illya Yevlash spoke about this in more detail.

According to him, in the Kharkiv region, the tactics of “carousels” among enemy aircraft are recorded. We are talking about the aircraft that drop bombs in the direction of the regional center. “As for tactics... we have been recording in recent days a number of Su-34, Su-35 aircraft that fly in such a “carousel” and practice dropping several bombs in the direction of Kharkiv. Of course, we immediately inform citizens about this on our platforms.” ,” said Illya Yevlash. Separately, the press secretary of the Air Force added that it is the Kharkov region that is now most under enemy attacks. The region is under the threat not only of aerial bombs, but also of Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems. Ukraine, meanwhile, is trying to fight carriers of enemy weapons with aircraft. In total, about 20 Russian aircraft have been destroyed since the beginning of the year, says Illya Yevlash.

Topics: KharkivWarAFUIllya Yevlash

Date and time 30 May 2024 г., 18:08     Views Views: 7289
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