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Zelenskyy signed the law on home-based workers

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Zelenskyy signed the law on home-based workers
Zelenskyy signed the law on home-based workers

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law that should regulate the work of domestic workers and reduce the level of undeclared labor.

This is stated in the document card on the Verkhovna Rada website.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted bill No. 5695 on April 25. The document introduces the concept of “domestic work” into legislation and defines the mandatory terms of an employment contract with domestic workers.

However, the final text of the document has not yet been made public.

As reported, the law proposes , in particular, to determine that:

  • Domestic worker is an individual engaged in domestic work within the framework of an employment relationship with an employer.
  • Domestic work is work performed under the terms of an employment agreement (contract) to serve the household.
  • Household work performed by a person on an irregular basis and for no more than 40 hours per month is not considered domestic work.
  • An employment contract is concluded with domestic workers, which is the main document certifying the emergence, change and termination of labor relations and defining the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the basis for admitting a domestic worker to work after the employer has notified the central executive body that implements state policy on administration a single contribution to compulsory state social insurance for hiring a domestic worker in the manner established by the government.
  • An employment contract is concluded in writing in two copies, each having equal legal force and kept by each party.
  • It is not permitted to employ persons under 16 years of age as domestic workers.

An employment agreement (contract) with a domestic worker may provide for the possibility of the employer providing the domestic worker with housing for use, paid or free of charge.

The employer must notify the domestic worker of dismissal at least 14 days in advance, unless otherwise provided by the employment contract.

Topics: HomeLawVolodymyr Zelenskyy

Date and time 22 May 2024 г., 19:02     Views Views: 2213
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